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Why the appointment of Kerry McCarthy to the shadow cabinet is good
Photograph: Flickr / Dan-Raoul Miranda Jeremy Corbyn’s appointment of Kerry McCarthy as Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food...
Clause Corbyn: The SNP and Greens reacting to ‘New Old Labour’
Photograph: Flickr / Garry Knight Jeremy Corbyn’s victory was unprecedented and it was phenomenal. A truely democratic mandate to lead....
On the modern-day threats to classical liberalism
Photograph: Flickr / Angus McDiarmid The collapse of the Soviet Union, globalization, the success of the Four Tigers as well as the...
Youthful political apathy: The biggest threat of our time?
Photograph: Flickr / Chris Beckett In the 2010 general elections, voter turnout was of 65%. Among the younger demographic (ages 18-24) it...
Voting systems: The UK and Europe, and what is going wrong
Photograph: Flickr / justgrimes Growing up in the UK with an Austrian citizenship and background, I have been able to experience two...
Scottish Independence: From clans to a constructed culture
Photograph: Flickr / Lawrence OP Scottish independence from the United Kingdom has always been an influential component of the country’s...
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