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A health service for the 21st Century
The NHS was born out of consensus: the agreement that healthcare should be free at the point of delivery to tackle society’s ills. 70...

Brexit: take it from the people's hands
Recently, there have been calls for a second EU referendum. This referendum would likely ask voters three questions whether to: accept a...

The unbreakable Australian mould
In 2008 Kevin Rudd came to power in Australia on a Labour Party platform that promised change for minorities and indigenous peoples in...

A new breed of pirates
Black beards, eye patches, hook hands and teeth yellowed by rum – that’s the pop-culture definition of a ‘pirate’. But in...

Charlottesville: One Year On
The time is 1:45pm on Saturday, August 12th 2017. The place is Charlottesville, Virginia, home to one of thousands of monuments to the...

What's next for Zimbabwe?
Following the announcement of Emmerson Mnangagwa’s victory in the 2018 election, there is very little indication Zimbabwe is becoming a...

Liberals don't need to worry about Trump's Supreme Court crusade
Whilst the latest Supreme Court vacancy offers another opportunity for President Trump to advance his crusade against the right of women...

Government in Crisis - What the new changes mean for May
Arch-brexiteer Dominic Raab offers little in the form of a replacement to heal the relationship between the government and its...

Flagship 'Global Britain'
Commissioned in 2007, the HMS Queen Elizabeth will be ready for deployment in 2019, followed shortly by the HMS Prince of Wales in 2023....

The consequences of India’s Karnataka state elections
Governing the world’s largest democracy is no easy task. What’s more, winning the right to administer India has recently proved to be...
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